Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Dear Future Me (2020) - When I Grow Up

Dear Future Me (2020) - When I Grow Up This is the ninth time I’ve written a Dear Future Me letter one for every year since 2010, with one year off when it was just too hard (thanks, cancer! #sarcasm). You can read last year’s letter here, and follow the links back to alllllll my prior letters if you wanna go down that rabbit hole. Deep breath: Here’s the whole letter even though it scares the heck out of me to post it all. Cheers to the new decade and what I know it’ll bring to us all! January 1, 2021 Dear Future Me, I’m so proud of you for cracking open this year. You’ve embodied “trust” in 2020, putting your own self as a priority alongside your business. Your mantra of the year was exactly right, allowing you to open up both as a business owner *and* a person. Imagine that, huh?     When you conducted your monthly reviews and were asked how you’d rate each month, there were predominantly high ratings across the board. Not only did the (right!) clients and money continue to come your way (despite your biggest fears), but you felt present, energized, and connected way more than you felt overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. And that’s because of all you did at this time last year deciding to streamline your programs (gulp!), creating (and enforcing!) better boundaries, and working on your mindset. You let all of it lead your year and WOW what a payoff. Your creative self led the way, too, showing up in a way that she hasn’t for years. There was a reason it felt so emotional to connect back to what you’ve left behind for so long, and it’s worth continuing to make it a priority so you can feel more complete and whole more yourself. Yes, your business *does* scratch a creative itch for you, but we both know that there needs to be *more* right now. Keep following that whisper, that yearning, and it’ll bring you to exactly the right place. Continued good news: Your business didn’t fall apart like you’re fearing now your clients thrived and got even more out of your work together. The money didn’t dry up in fact, you made even more than last year, (finally!) proving to yourself once and for all that busy does not equal productive and it all certainly does *not* equal successful. You continued with a clean bill of health and feel stronger in your body, and smarter with your wellness choices. You no longer ask yourself so often whether you’re a bad mother, wife, friend and daughter because you more fully show up in the lives of those who matter to you, and you don’t beat yourself up when you drop the ball. And when your mind starts spinning which it will… And when the overwhelm starts to blanket you which it will… And when your Vampire Voices try to convince you that it’ll all fall apart unless you do more more more which they will… Then, some advice: Lean on your mastermind ladies. They see your best self and will help you accordingly. Go directly to Luke   and lay it all down. He’s your partner and teammate and your co-problem-solver. He’ll pick it up with you, and you can carry it together. Take a break. Take a walk. Take a nap. Go for a run. Sing. meditate. Write in your journal. Play your uke. Call a friend. Any and all of these things are proven to make you feel better, and you always have the time for them even though you tell yourself otherwise. You’re successful. You’re human. You are loved exactly as you are. And you (finally) know that, deeply and truly, in your bones. And it is everything. Love, Current Michelle

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